Friday, September 10, 2010

Today is Friday

and the general plan was to make Friday a "No School Day" - reasons being

A. I don't work on Fridays and I would like one day to just chill
B. Bryce works until 6 instead of 4
C. Generally, by the time Friday rolls around I am tired
D. Who wouldn't want Fridays off?

But today is friday and I really should do school - reasons being

A. My kids need to learn
B. We really need to make up some hours
C. It would be a good thing to make getting dressed every day of the week a priority
D. If I do school then I have an excuse to not fold all the laundry

So the dilemma lies here:

A. I don't want to do school
B. I don't want to teach school
C. I don't want to fold laundry
D. I'd much rather watch a bunch of Disney movies and hang with my kids all day

Decision is:

A. Still undecided
B. School, *sigh*
C. Laundry (um, yeah, no)
D. Movies with a bit of education sprinkled in

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today - for the first time since we started this whole thing I actually accomplished something. Without going into a lot of detail: every day my kids are given a "To Do List" of sorts that include all the lessons they are to complete for the day. Considering the fact that my kids are roughly 25-30 hours behind where they should be at this point, I found that we were able to FINISH everything we needed to today! BEFORE 3 PM. And all of this with another kid running around.

Surprisingly I spent most of the night with my head hanging over the trash can as I was perched precariously on top of the white porcelain bowl. I am wondering why it is that the night that I am the sickest is the morning that I accomplish the most?

It has to be because I was reading my Sunday lesson in between heaving sessions.