Sunday, August 22, 2010

And now the real work begins...

After what can only be described as an incredibly adventurous weekend, I am looking forward to starting the actual school week. I have roughly 13 different lessons to plan for tomorrow. And I am exhausted! I learned that Red Bull does give you wings, at least I had wings yesterday: but that could also be due to the fact that over the course of the afternoon I drank a Red Bull and 2 Monster energy drinks. I made it through yesterday just fine - got done everything I needed to do. This includes spending all night at work helping out with Inventory (which could be a whole other post).

This morning, well, I wasn't so ready to greet the world, but greet the world I did! So now, after a long day at church and work I am looking at a good few hours of preparing for tomorrows stuff. In order to prepare for all the preparation I need to do I drank another Red Bull - and I am sorry to say that I am not feeling my wings - I don't even think I have little nubs of wings. As I sit here staring into the abyss of nothingness called television I am trying to find some sort of motivation (which may be another energy drink) and the answer to the unanswerable question:

and I'm doing this because...?

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